9 Content Planning Tips to Save Time and Space in Your Marketing Campaigns

9 Content Planning Tips to Save Time and Space in Your Marketing Campaigns
You’re stretched for time. But you must produce content for marketing. These content planning tips will help you get on top and stay there.

Helping You Stay Sane and on Track!

One of the most important aspects of marketing is content. However, it can be difficult to produce fresh content on a regular basis. Then there’s the time needed to brainstorm ideas, produce the content, and deliver consistently. If you’re looking for a way to be creative while staying on schedule, you should consider the benefits of using a content calendar and utilizing content marketing software. 

Even with the best content marketing software in your grasp, to save time and space in your marketing campaigns it’s crucial to have a plan for what you’re going to post before you post it. The following nine tips will help you organize your ideas and stay consistent on social media.

  1. Start by setting your goals

Unless you know where you wish to go, you’ll never get there. And if you ever should get there, it won’t be where you expected to be! Be clear on what you want your users and clients to do ─ do you want your content to encourage click-throughs, collection of email addresses, purchases, etc.?

  1. Dig deep into customer problems

Yep. you need to understand your audience like you do the back of your hand. Then make sure you never lose sight of your customers’ problems.

  1. Select your topics based on your audience

Stop getting excited by the content you want to create! Get your audience excited by creating the content they want you to create ─ that’s the whole point of that deep insight into their problems.

  1. Develop your keyword strategy 

You want people to find your content online. It’s time to do your keyword research. Think like a customer. What would they key into Google Search to look for solutions to their problems?

  1. Create content for all the stages of the funnel

You want a steady stream of people visiting your blog, social media, and opening your email marketing. So, you must create content that attracts customers along the customer journey, and that leads them through the customer funnel ─ from information gathering to solution buying.

  1. Understand content format preferences and diversify the content you use

Not all customers like to view content in the same way. Then again, not all customers want to view content in the same way for different content uses (think written ‘how-to’ guides vs YouTube tutorials vs webinars, for example). Using different content formats will help you to attract and retain your audience ─ and, let’s face it, variety is the spice of life, isn’t it?

  1. Repurpose your content ideas

Here’s a wonderful time-saver. Take your previously published content, and repurpose it. What do we mean? Here’s an example:

  • How about authoring an article and posting it to your blog? Then, from that article…

  • Develop an infographic to be published on your LinkedIn account.

  • While you’re at it, record and release a podcast, in which you discuss the content of your article. 

  • Post a few snippets on your social media accounts. too. 

  • And let’s not forget the video to post to your YouTube channel.

One blog post, four items of collateral content.

  1. Include interactive content to get the conversation going (quizzes, polls, choice-making, etc.)

Have you ever been to an event where you’ve been sat with a bunch of people you don’t know? You know the kind of things they’re into (it may be a business dinner, for example), but you all sit in silence, not really knowing what to say. Awkward? Not if you have conversation starters planned. 

In the world of content marketing, get people involved and active by publishing interactive content such as quizzes, polls, and choice-making content.

  1. Leverage internal experts to contribute to your content

Who knows more about your business and your customers than your own people? Ask them to write or produce the content you need. Give them a guideline to follow. And if they aren’t comfortable with writing content? Get them to bullet point an article outline, and then have a professional writer compose your piece for you.

Planning Is Your Route to Success

Whatever you wish to achieve, planning is vital to your success. Going on a road trip? Needs to be planned. Developing a new product? Need to be planned. Getting married? Needs to be planned.

Content marketing campaigns are no different. If you want to be successful, you must plan. It’s how you save time, ensure that everything that must be done is done, and deliver quality content consistently. The kind of content that converts.

Our clients benefit from the expertise and experience of our content creation and marketing team, and some amazing content marketing software. Click here to book a live demo of BlabberJax in action.

Publish Date: 5/6/2022 12:00:00 AM
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Helping You Stay Sane and on Track! One of the most important aspects of marketing is content. However, it can be difficult to produce fresh content on a regular basis. Then there’s the time needed to brainstorm ideas, produce the content, and deliver consistently. If you’re looking for a way to be creative while staying on schedule, you should consider the benefits of using a content calendar and utilizing content marketing software.  Even with the best content marketing soft...

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